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Dragcave 2013 萬聖節活動

老樣子,為了練翻譯而翻譯 :P


A mysterious courier visits you. She delivers an invitation to a traveling carnival. Should you investigate?

Carnival Entrance (嘉年華大門口)

"Thaddeus Pumpkinstein here. Welcome to the Halloween Carnival! Prepare to be amazed by our Marvelous Marvels in the tent straight ahead. Unique dragons from all corners of the land have come to delight and astound you. "

「大家好,我是Thaddeus Pumpkinstein。歡迎來到萬聖節嘉年華會!準備好大開眼界看看位於前方的『驚奇奇觀』帳篷了嗎?來自世界各地的獨特龍群保證能讓你感到又驚又喜!」

"On the far right is our Stories Booth, if you have little dragons to be entertained today."


"Challenge your puzzle solving skills at the Set Game, just this side of the Story Booth. Can you make enough sets to win the game?"


"Esmeralda the Magi is waiting in the Fortune Tellers booth to peek into the future on your behalf. Does danger or riches await you? Find out in the booth just to your left."


"If you are here today to visit the resting place of a lost loved one, don't hesitate to visit our souvenier shop, just past Esmeralda's booth. Perhaps you'll find the perfect token to lay at the tombstone."


● Visit the House of Magnificent Marvels(去參觀『驚奇奇觀』)
※ 其實就是怪胎秀

● Visit the Story Booth(去參觀『故事亭』)
※ 本次翻譯最頭痛處,全部都是英文文章T^T

 Visit Esmeralda(去參觀『預言家』)
※ 這個要持續更新了,順說,10/27改成Visit Zéna.....

 Play the Set Game(玩一場『形色牌遊戲』)
※ 解說也是長篇大論ˊ_>ˋ

 Take on the Corn Maze(去玩玩『玉米迷宮』)
※ 進去後就一定要離開迷宮才能去嘉年華會的其他地方玩

 Go directly to the Graveyard(直接前往墓地)
※ 你可以看到大家為了殭屍龍有多喪心病狂(何

 Buy something at the Store(去商店買些東西)
※ 其實就是本次的收集頁啦

 Leave the Carnival(離開嘉年華會場)

Visit the House of Magnificent Marvels(去參觀『驚奇奇觀』)

House of Magnificent Marvels(「驚奇奇觀」屋)

A dozing Soulpeace Dragon in the corner of the tent keeps time, tail rhythmically thumping against the ground as she furls and unfurls it. That is the only steady sound in the dimly-lit and tightly-packed tent; the other spectators eagerly discuss the wonders you are just moments from seeing, voices unpredictably rising and falling in pitch like panicked breathing. Something brushes against your leg, and you look down to see a tiny Pygmy Dragon, eyes reflecting the light of the torches all around the tent, sitting on his haunches and trying to beg food out of you. His toothy grin and flickering eyes remind you of a jack-o’-lantern.


Thump, thump, thump. Every steady beat of the Soulpeace’s tail increases the tension in the room. The Stone Dragon pushing his snout through the flap of the tent ruffles your hair with his hot, moist breath, while a Red Dragon hatchling growls impatiently beside you. You are only too glad for the Soulpeace’s presence in this tent of wonders, bursting at the seams with fearsome and friendly beasts alike, as she will chase away any curses or monsters that might try to find you on this night of All Hallows’ Eve.


Then everything but your heart finally stills as a large Balloon Dragon lumbers out in front of you, moving as sluggishly as a Nocturne who has seen the first rays of morning. The moment seems to drag on and on and on as you wait for him to make his way to the head of the audience and start the show. When he finally does, a booming voice echoes telepathically in your mind.


"Welcome, ladies, gentleman, and everything in-between! It’s a pleasure to have you here with us on this night of Halloween! You will see wonders you have never imagined, things to make your scales crawl and itch, and expand your mind to the possibilities of the world! All you have to do is follow me into the next room!"


"Do you dare?



Three-Tailed Swallowtail(三尾燕尾龍)

"In for a whip-cracking good time—this guy is thrice the fun. But careful where you step—our three tailed Swallowtail might take offense to having one danced upon. That’s right folks, that extra tail doesn’t bother him one bit."



The Barefoot Dino(光腳綠迪諾)

"Never seen before, come marvel at the strangeness, the oddity that is The Barefoot Dino. Before now no-one even knew if the shoes came off and if a Dino had toes. Well Wonder no more, this fellow will wriggle his cute little toes just for you."



The Bearded Lady(鬍子小姐)

"OK Folks, She’s big, she’s yellow, she has long flowing glossy locks and a sparkle in her eye. She’s ugly, but we won’t hold that against her...mainly because we don’t want to get squashed flat. Here she is—the Bearded Lady."



Blinded Nebula(盲眼星雲龍)

"Weep, dear viewers, for the beauty that will never be. This poor specimen was blinded on the moment of his hatching by a rogue supernova. Never to see the glory of the stars he does not realise his glorious wings lack all color."



Oily Turpentine(油油的松節油龍)

"Put on your galoshes for this one folks, he is a right slippery character. We all know Turpentines produce oil, but this fellow can’t figure out how to turn it off. Slicker than a frog in a bog, he still enjoys a hug or two from anyone not afraid to get wet."



Four-Legged Paper(四腳紙龍)

"An abnormality haunts this spell, where four legs folded instead of two. Mistake or miracle, you decide."



Winged Mint(有翼薄荷龍)

"Gaze upon the mint with wings, as she yearns for that which she still cannot reach. "



Naked Pillow(光禿禿的枕頭龍)

"What’s fluffy but isn’t? Marvel at the wonder that is the naked Pillow. Has someone shorn him, or was he hatched this way? No—one knows, but rest assured he is still a big softy no matter where his fur has gone."




"Marvel of Marvels. This here before you is the fabled but never before seen Male Chicken. Some even call it a Rooster. See his glossy colors and fine tail. But what will the other chickens think of him? "



Cowardly Electric(膽小的電龍)

"This poor fellow is a little shy folks. You see, he isn’t embarrassed at his odd horns, no. He is in fact afraid of his own electric power. Our boy is a gentle soul, and would never light up his spark for fear of harming another living thing—but a gentle glow he will show to those who are quiet and patient."



Stripe Sisters(條紋姐妹花)

"Am I seeing spots? That’s right folks, come and see the Stripe Sisters; one has spots and the other has lost her stripes. Does that mean they are no longer ‘Striped dragons?’ Never fear, these girls have just as much fun without their namesake."



White Tea(白茶龍)

"Is black tea too rich for you?—just add a little milk. But hold the sugar. Our Albino tea will sure to please, from her creamy tail to her delicate blushing nose."


※ 紅茶的英文是black tea,這邊是在玩梗:P


Visit the Story Booth(去參觀『故事亭』)

Story Booth(故事亭)

"Welcome to Mintie’s Story Booth. Gather round and we will hear a tale of Halloween. Do you ever wonder how Halloween came to be? Perhaps you shall learn the answer. Or perhaps you have always wondered why it is that Pumpkin Dragons live in pumpkins. We have tales to tell to good little dragons."



How Paper Dragons Came To Be(紙龍的起源)

It is said that many centuries ago there were no Paper Dragons in this world. There were many other types and breeds of dragons, small and large, but none like the Paper Dragons we see today. This, my children, is the tale of how Paper Dragons came to be.


Magic is a known force in our world, an ancient and mystical power. Few understand even its most basic tenets and fewer still plumb its depths. Those who make the study of the magical forces their life work are called wizards, and they spend their lives sequestered in remote towers studying ancient arcane texts. No wizard was more learned, or more respected, than the great Theodeus. No one understood the arcane arts better than he. No one had more skill than he at creating wondrous magics.


Each year as Year’s End approached the foremost wizards of the land would study and prepare for a great gathering of wizards, in which they would present to each other their most astounding discoveries and most impressive spells. Each year the wizards would strive to be recognized as the best of the best. Most usually Theodeus had had the pleasure of receiving this acclaim, but the year before some younger wizard had outdone him. This simply wasn’t to be borne. Theodeus was determined that he would reclaim his crown.

在每年快要年底的時候,大陸上第一的巫師江會研究並準備一個龐大的聚會,將巫師們聚集在一塊呈現他們最不可思議的發現和最令人印象深刻的咒語。每一年巫師們都會努力讓自己成為最棒的那一個。而大多數的時候Theodeus 都能夠榮獲眾人的掌聲,但在前一年,有些年輕的巫師超越了他大出風頭一番。這讓他覺得無法忍受。Theodeus 決定今年要奪回他的冠軍寶座。

To this end he pondered long and hard and devised a spell of such magnitude, of such complexity, that he was certain no such spell had ever been cast before in all history. It was long known that even the highly magical white dragons could not bring a long dead dragon back to life. This, he thought, would be his crowning achievement. He would do what was thought impossible and return to full life the hatchling he had lost as a boy.


For months he researched and studied and experimented, until he was certain he knew how the spell could be done. Finally, just as a harvest moon rose over the land on Halloween evening, he was ready. His researches showed him that Halloween night just before midnight was the best, indeed the only, time his spell could succeed. At this time the veil between the living and the dead was at its thinnest. The lifeforce of the land was strong with the fruits of the recent harvest. All these things were critical for his spellcasting.


Carefully he assembled the components he would need. A scale of a White dragon, a few hairs from the mane of a Shadow Walker dragon, a pure, unflawed diamond; these were only a few of the things he needed. Carefully he kept track of everything on several sheets of parchment, carefully laid on his research table. Meticulously he checked off the tear from a highborn princess, the seeds of a pumpkin that had recently become the home of a Pumpkin dragon, as the autumn wind flung brightly colored leaves against his window. Finally, he came to the last ingredient on his list: the shell of his long departed hatchling friend. With great care he set the shell in the center of the arcane design drawn on the tabletop. With precision he set each of the components in place, lighting specially crafted and scented candles in each proper position, murmuring the long practiced magical phrases at each step.


The rising storm outside shook the windows, but Theodeus never even noticed, so intent was he on his spellcrafting. Rain poured down in sheets and lightning raced through the clouds but Theodeus never paused in his murmuring. The wind whistled down the chimney and caused the doors to creak, but Theodeus was oblivious as he concentrated on his spell.


Perhaps he should have been just a touch less focused. For, just as he set to light the very last flame, the flame that would ignite the spell, the wind tore the roof from his tower and the swirling winds flung the parchments against his light. They burst into flames, igniting the spell, but far more powerfully than designed. Wind screamed, flames roared, magics clashed and billowed around the room. Not only were the carefully arranged spell components consumed, but the dishes that held those components and even the table itself. Indeed, even Theodeus’ clothing was gone in a flash of bright fire. The last thing he saw through the flame was his parchment papers taking flight out into the storm, transformed into living, breathing dragons made entirely of paper.



The First Bite(最初的一咬)

Once upon a time a young mother Green dragon was tending to her one and only egg. Her mate had left long ago and had not returned home long after night had fallen across the land. She waited and waited for him to come home, but the moon was now high in the sky and he was nowhere to be seen. The egg was ready to hatch; she snuggled it close, awaiting her first born. As she listened to the soft sounds the egg was making, she heard a distant screech. It was a distant sound that lasted only for a second, but it was clear and full of pain. After debating for almost an hour, she hid her egg and went to investigate the sound out of fear for her mate, her unborn baby, and herself.


The moonlight was bright when she finally set out. She flew fast, straight toward the sound of the cry. As she got closer the smell of blood filled the air. This did not make her hesitate but instead urged her to fly even faster to the source. When she saw the scene, she cried out loud enough for all near and far to hear. On the ground, cold and lifeless under the moon, was her mate.


After crying for some time, she noticed the bloody smell wasn’t as strong as it was when she was flying. She looked about and saw the injury that took his life, a bite mark to the neck. There was something curious about the wound in that there was no blood dripping from it. She didn’t know of any creature that left a bite like that, especially one so clean of blood. As she looked closer, her mate seemed smaller and much thinner then when he had left. Knowing not what had done this, she fled back to her home.


When she got back, the green dragon immediately went to check her baby and hoped it hadn’t hatched while she was gone. When she saw her egg, she screamed out again. Her lovely little green egg had become brown and red and now smelled of rot. She grabbed it and cuddled it close but it was stone cold and no noise came from it. She rocked the egg back and forth while holding it tight, but there was still no signs of life came from within the egg.


She panicked. Desperate to try to see if her baby was still alive in the mutated shell, she put the egg on the ground and frantically slammed the earth with her tail. The egg had been so close to hatching that the egg broke easily and the baby dragon inside fell out. It hit the ground, skinny and pale, and lay there, still. Its chest did not take in air and there was no sign of a pulse. She cried for the second time that night, having lost both her mate and her firstborn in the same hour.


As she lay down and cried next to her baby’s lifeless body, she saw something from the corner of her vision: the baby’s mouth opened and shut. It did it again. The baby was alive after all. She grabbed it again and held its cold body close and her tears of sadness become tears of happiness, if only because she was spared having lost two instead of of one.


She fell asleep wrapped around her cold baby as she smiled in her dreams. She would never know about the pair of yellow eyes watching her and the bundle she surrounded. She only knew something was amiss after she woke up and her broken, pale little baby was gone - never to be seen again.


Since then, dragons now know better than to leave their eggs unattended even for the most terrifying of screams in the night. If they do leave, when they get back their babies might not be their babies anymore and their new parents may or may not be friendly.



Trick or Treat(不給糖就搗蛋!)

Once upon a time, there were no treats given out on Halloween. It was merely a day celebrating the harvest. And so the harvest dragons were collected around that time of year, being omens of a good harvest and a winter of feasting. Many children were sent out to the caves in order to snag all the harvest dragon eggs. That was the extent of their treating.


But, one Halloween, a wild harvest dragon saw all the eggs in her clutch being taken by antsy children who were eager to please their families with the loot. And this dragon was upset by all the humans taking her babies. Year after year, they kept taking and taking. Finally, despite many harvest dragons being greedy and simply hoarding all the food possible, the despairing dragon looked upon her stash. It was stacked high with corn and bread and sweets she had taken from bakeries across the land. Some bright, glistening apples stuck out and she looked upon them longingly, knowing how the crispness of them refreshed her after a long day of looting.


There was only one thing left to do. If the humans wouldn’t be satisfied after years of robbing the innocent harvest dragons of their children, she would scatter her stockpile amongst them. The feral dragon, despite loving her stockpile dearly, knew that the race would not survive if humans kept taking them for sport.


On the eve of October’s final day, she separated her supply into as much as she could carry and emotionally prepared herself to part with her beloved hoard.


When the momentous day was upon her, the dragon gathered her first lot and dropped a little by each house as she passed it. Over the course of the night, she had depleted her pile to at least half of its former glory. While it seemed trivial to the most giving of dragons, people across the land saw what she had attempted to do. By giving treats to each household, she was making an offer to trade her stock for some peace.


Now, years later, we still do not take harvest dragon eggs relentlessly and give out treats to all the children to honor the dragon’s sacrifice on that day, Halloween. So the tradition is more than just a silly whim, but of a generous harvest dragon and her sadness over countless lost children.


What became of her no one knows, but one thing that we do know is that she will live on in our hearts for her giving soul and in our tradition of giving treats on every Halloween.



Lost and Found(失而復得)

Why do pumpkin dragons live in pumpkins? Well...


That story goes back many years, back to the beginnings of the holiday. Back when pumpkin dragons could be seen across the land during Halloween time, usually in abundance. But all those dragons were very sad. They wandered around at that time of year, seeming to be lost. We all assumed them to have that as part of their mating ritual, but it always seemed so empty...


Meanwhile, there was a little town with a large farm that grew three major crops. One was a giant field of turnips. There were turnips here and turnips there. Turnips as far as the eye could see. The field was long and narrow, but yielded much of the crop every year. Another field was short and wide. It was full of watermelons. The large, green melons grew and grew. The ground that bore them was so fertile that the melons grew to sizes that seemed impossible. The third field had pumpkins. They were just average pumpkins. The farmer didn’t make much money selling them. It was just a crop with no major purpose. People could eat them, but not many wanted to, particularly...


Eventually, around Halloween time, a large group of pumpkin dragons wandered into that little town and saw the large farm that practically took it over. And they ignored it, just wandering and wandering aimlessly, looking lost and empty. Until one of the dragons wandered over to the fields. He saw the watermelons and tried to make a house in it, but it was too big. He grew cold with the air that circulated through the melon. He crawled out of the watermelon, slightly discouraged. Then he stumbled to the turnip field. He tried to make a home in one of the turnips, but it was too small and he couldn’t fit inside. Then, in a last ditch attempt to make a home in one of the crops, the little pumpkin dragon tried to make a home in a pumpkin. To his great surprise, the pumpkin was a perfect home for him. When all the pumpkin dragons saw him in his perfect pumpkin home, they all hurried to the field and made their homes in the pumpkins.


To this day, we carve the pumpkins in hopes that the pumpkin dragons will want to live in them. And if you’re lucky, dears, you’ll have a pumpkin dragon living in your pumpkin.


Visit Esmeralda(去參觀『預言家』)
※ 10/27改成Visit Zéna.....

Fortune Teller(預言家)

Inside the small, firelit tent, an ancient Magi sits. On her table are various curios, including a dusty and clouded crystal ball, various strange jewels, what might be some bones, and an odd stack of purple-and-black cards. You are drawn to the old cards in the stack; they are clearly old, but you have never seen such cards before, and you are curious as to what they are for.


A whispery voice speaks: "The cards are very special, you know. Old and powerful. They speak of the fortunes of those who come before me. Have you come seeking your fortunes? All you must do is draw a card."


You answer yes, and the old dragon shuffles the cards, muttering something under her breath. She fans them out in front of you, and tells you to draw one.


※ 運勢牌長這樣:

※ 玩過的話會出現:「(You have already viewed your fortune today. Come back tomorrow.)」一句,意思是「(你已經看過今日運勢了。明天再來吧。)」

Play the Set Game(玩一場『形色牌遊戲』)


A purple dragon leans indolently on a green baize covered counter. He wears a green vest and a dealer’s visor shades his eyes. For some odd reason he seems a bit smarmy. So, his voice whispers in your mind. You’ve decided to try your hand at playing Set, have you? Well then, perhaps first I should expalin the rules of the game.


The Game of Set is one of choosing three cards where each characteristic either matches all three cards or is different on all three cards. Let me give you an example. Each card has jack o’ lanterns in orange, blue or purple. So you must choose three card that either all have the same color, or all have different colors. Three cards with orange jack o’ lanterns would win. A card with an orange jack o’ lantern, a card with a blue jack o’ lantern and a card with a purple jack o’ lantern would win. But two cards with orange jack o’ lanterns and a card with a blue jack o’ lantern would lose, because they are neither all the same or all different. Ok?


Now, colors on the jack o’ lanterns is not the only characteristic. Each card also has either one jack o’ lantern, two jack o’ lanterns or three jack o’ lanterns. The number of jack o’ lanterns on the three cards must also either all be the same or all different. So you could choose three cards with one jack ’o lantern each and win, or one card with one jack o’ lantern, one card with two jack o’ lanterns and one card with three jack o’ lanterns and win. Three cards with two jack o’ lanterns on each or three cards with three jack o’ lanterns on each would also win. However two cards with one jack o’ lantern and one card with two jack o’ lanterns would lose because they are not all the same or all different. With me so far? Great!


The last characteristic on the jack o’ lanterns is the face that’s carved there. You have your happy face jack o’ lantern, your sad face jack o’ lantern and your smirking face jack o’ lantern. These also have to either all match or all be different, just like the colors and the numbers.


The tricky part is to put all three characteristics together. You pick three cards out when I deal them, and each characteristic has to either match or be different on the three cards. Let’s take a tricky example and see if you get the idea. Let’s say I pick the card with one orange happy jack o’ lantern, the card with two orange sad jack o’ lanterns and the card with three orange smirking jack o lanterns. See, that wins, because all the colors are the same, all the numbers are different and all the faces are different. Or say I pick the card with two blue happy faces, the card with two purple happy faces and the card with two orange happy faces. Again, I would win, because all the colors are different, all the numbers are the same and all the faces are the same. But say I pick the card with one orange happy face, the card with one purple happy face and the card with one blue sad face. I’d lose, because even though all the numbers are the same and all the colors are different, the faces are not either all the same or all different. Got it?


Ok, if you understand how to choose your sets, the next thing is how many sets you have to pick. See, I’ll deal out twelve cards and you have to try to make three sets of them. Just tap the cards that you choose. If you don’t think you can make three sets, I’ll just gather them all upp and shuffle them, then deal again. You can try as many deals as you want. Ready to play? Great!



Take on the Corn Maze(去玩玩『玉米迷宮』)

Corn Maze(玉米迷宮)


A large field of corn spreads out before you. There are paths cut through it, but the corn is taller than most men's heads. Do you dare enter the maze and attempt to navigate its treacherous paths? Who knows what awaits on the other side?


There is a path cut through the corn leading to the west and another to the east. Which way should you turn?


Go back(往回走)
Go west(往西走)
Go east(往東走)

There is a path cut through the corn leading north and another to the east. Which way should you turn?

這裡有一條被切開的道路通往北邊,另一條則是往東邊。 你該轉往哪個方向前進呢?

Go east(往東走
Go north(往北走

There is a path cut through the corn leading to the west, one to the east and another going south. Which way should you turn?


Go south(往南走
Go west(往西走
Go east(往東走

There is a path cut through the corn leading north and another to the west. Which way should you turn?


Go north(往北走
Go west(往西走

There is a path cut through the corn leading back to the south and another going west. Which way should you turn?


Go south(往南走
Go west(往西走

The path opens before you into mist shrouded grass dotted with tombstones. You've made it through the maze! Safe at last. Should you leave or turn back into the maze?

你前方的道路出現了被霧繚繞、散落幾座墓碑的草地。你成功走出迷宮了!終於安全了。. 你是否該離開迷宮呢?或著是轉身繼續走迷宮去?

Exit the maze(離開迷宮
Go west(往西走

Dead end. The only thing to do is to go back to the east.


Go east(往東走

You visit the Graveyard. OH NO! You have found a Zombified Dragon! It's seen you! RUN!


Go directly to the Graveyard(直接前往墓地)

※ 不一定能走到,這邊是把兩個可能性都放出來。

As you explore the forest, you stumble upon a graveyard containing rows and rows of tombstones that appear to be for dead dragons. The ground is littered with the shells of stillborn dragon eggs.



You traverse the forest in search of the rumored dragon graveyard, but despite your best efforts, you are unable to find anything.





雖然有時候可能會莫名被 blogger丟到垃圾留言區,我都會記得去撈撈的。

check it out

Eggs around the world