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Xenowyrms 異形飛龍 系列(2015 & 2020)

※ 本文原發布時間為2015/07/04,為配合本次更新,改挪為新的發布時間。


Mana courses throughout this glassy egg.

Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. But... where are its legs?


Aww... It’s a cute baby dragon. But... where are its legs? And look! It has gotten bigger and is now able to use magic. It must be close to maturing.



Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Astrapi are easily the most temperamental of all Xenowyrm subspecies. Their unpredictable behavior—coupled with their masterful control of lightning magic—has the potential for devastating results. Most of their time is spent airborne, flying through the skies or circling mountainsides for prey.


※ Astrapi是古希臘文中「閃電」的意思。
※ 牠們又刺又硬,還有點難以相處。不過牠們也不是隨隨便便就鬧脾氣的,通常啦。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of a different type of mana, making them powerful magic users. Thalassas are a unique variety of Xenowyrm in that they are the only subspecies known to dwell in marine environments. Their porous skin and slender build are perfectly suited for the aquatic terrain, but they can only survive for short periods of time on land. Powerful users of water magic, they can create large waves and alter currents with a simple thought.


※ Thalassas是古希臘文中「海」的意思。
※ 牠們長有厚重的皺褶且可以像擠海綿那樣擠。牠們也有腮,在靈體狀態下可見。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Mageia, found exclusively in desert regions, are thought to be the wisest Xenowyrm subspecies. Due to their knowledge of the magi element, they are able to cast a variety of magics, including teleportation. Their beautiful yellow scutes are reflective and smooth like glass, making them very valuable to collectors.


※ Mageia是古希臘文中「巫術」的意思。
※ 牠們的外觀十分滑順且具有反射力。令人震撼的有智慧,不太喜歡跟太愚蠢的打交道,不過很樂意去教育那些有心學習的。



Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Chronos are often considered to be the most elusive of all Xenowyrm subspecies: they live in the darkest and densest forests, far from civilization. They are masters of time magic, allowing them to manipulate the flow of time at will. It is said that Chrono lairs are protected by a field of magic that makes the minutes tick by at a slow pace for any unwanted visitors.


※ Chrono是古希臘文中「時間」的意思。
※ 牠們也有點刺刺的,而且會發光。十分刺眼的那種。說真的,牠們的下腹處根本可以閃瞎你的眼。另外牠們身上長有花朵,那些花會隨著時間魔法枯榮。




Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Gaia, despite their large size, are the lightest of all Xenowyrm subspecies. They possess the ability to use incredibly powerful life magic, though most of their efforts are concentrated; to them, nothing is more important than letting plant life thrive. Adult Gaia will use their magic to grow vegetation around themselves so they can spread it wherever they travel.


※ Gaia是古希臘文中「大地」的意思。
※ 牠們比較粗糙且帶有像是樹皮上撥下來的木頭那種順滑感。牠們身上的皺褶是類似昆蟲翅膀的物質組成的,但那並不是真的翅膀。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Pyros are easily the heaviest of all Xenowyrm subspecies and they use their weight to their advantage. If scorching their foes with flames doesn’t finish them off, Pyros will use the weight of their bodies for sheer crushing power. They create their lairs solely in volcanic regions, where lava and billowing flames are the land’s most prominent features.


※ Pyros是古希臘文中「火」的意思。
※ 脾氣不怎麼好,不過牠們也很容義激動,甚至可能大半夜還弄得像白天一樣亮──因為牠們身上充滿了會發亮的點點們。



※ Xeno- 通常是那種「外國人」、「異種」、「異形」等等;Wyrm則是「翼龍」、「飛龍」。


A:天啊www 如果你把阿斯塔拉庇跟皮洛斯放在一個房間然後看他們怎麼相處。



Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Aquilo live high in the firmament and are almost never seen on the ground. They are all too happy to greet travelers going through the mountains, and also seeing their panic as the Aquilos dive from great heights towards them, only to change cou rse at the last moment and soar back into the sky. Many Aquilo enjoy testing their agility and mastery of air magics in dangerous feats of flying at one another, only to twist and harmlessly pass one another in intricate patterns. They try, with little sucess, to get the more foul-tempered Astrapi to join in their games.


※ Aquilo是拉丁文中「北風」的意思。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Aso dwell in the frigid waters of the far north and south, and are occasionally spotted near tundra shores and iceflows. Their isolated homes of choice suit their tendancies towards small family groups or being solitary. Their bodies are so cold they nearly instantly freeze anything they come in contact with, be it water or living creature. Over time, the ice that breaks off their bodies as they move forms into glaciers they use as lairs. The older an Aso is, the larger their frozen abode.


※ 查了下Aso是再不同語言有不同意函,所以我放棄惹。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Pharos are an aloof and majestic Xenowyrm that is most often seen gliding through the shimmering skies over the desert. Their gleaming scales catch and reflect the light in a most pleasing manner, and many attempt to find their valuable fallen scales around their lofty desert mountain perches. While they don’t seek out attention or companionship, those seeking the knowledge of a Pharos may find themself bestowed with decidedly unconventional wisdom.


Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Obidar are a curious and shy variey of Xenowyrm that make their home in forests. Their bark-like scales, the polypores clinging to their bodies, and the vibrant foilage growing from them act as natural camoflage. Their desire to investigate travelers in their domain leads them to often sneak unseen near or slightly into camps at night. If spotted, they are shy but friendly, and many that wander the woods are grateful for the watchful protection of these gentle Wyrms.


Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Umbras are a solitary and generally unwelcoming subspecies found in the deepest and darkest recesses of the jungle. This highly intelligent and cunning wyrm has little fondness for intruders and those seeking them either for their hoarded wisdom or gleaming, crystaline scales. They are content to leave travelers alone, but are not above bringing a swift and harsh end to those that disturb their peace.


※ Umbra是拉丁文中「影子」的意思。

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Ke’maro are a vicious, opportunistic variety of Xenowyrm. They hunt down any prey they see, trapping them with their coils and the soft, fleshy tentacles they keep stored under their skin. Their terrifying appearance and toxic saliva along with their method of hunting and trapping prey has lead to many legends and stories that warn against traveling alone in the vast volcanic wastelands they call home.


※ 是拉丁文中「」的意思。

The Staterae is an ancient species of wyrm thought to be the origin of all Xenowyrms. It has long been considered to have gone extinct as its kind has not been seen in many millennia. Recent sightings, while rare, have confirmed that this species still lives in a variety of different environments. While most of its distant offspring have adapted down to single environments, this behemoth retains many of the diverse characteristics of each of them. Staterae pay no mind to lesser creatures, often avoiding contact completely and remain extremely enigmatic. Their magics are not well understood beyond being immensely powerful, and there are those that consider them to be divine beings.


※ Staterae是古希臘文中「平衡」的意思。





我希望大家都能喜歡這用來完成元素套組的新六隻:盎布朗、阿奇洛、歐碧達、鬼瑪洛、亞索和法駱。牠們有些性情友善,有些卻不是。 🙂


閱讀這個討論串真的很有趣,看大家在Discord 討論這些傢伙的發布也是。(還有第一隻守恆被產下時大家的驚喜也……!)





雖然有時候可能會莫名被 blogger丟到垃圾留言區,我都會記得去撈撈的。

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Eggs around the world